Do you care about global warming and the environment?

Do you care for social inclusion?   

Do you think education for adults is interesting and important? 

Welcome to
Come together! Fostering socially inclusive climate education for adults

Training education professionals and empowering disadvantaged individuals and communities: this is the path put forward by this project to address climate change challenges.

This Erasmus+ project aims to connect people using a “listening and learning” approach, in order to share expertise and develop innovative methods and practices in this field.

Co-creation workshop in Milano

The project partners gathered in Milan for a three-day co-creation workshop (July 16-18) hosted by the project's lead partner, the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology. We were joined by three hub members coming from Austria, Germany and France. The meeting was centered on designing the initial version of the international training program for scientists, NGO workers and educators who will conduct educational activities with and for the project's target groups.

Project team at the beginning of the meeting. 
Catherine Oualian, the trainer at Universcience,
facilitates the meeting.

Catherine Oualian and Fannie Le Floch, two excellent facilitators from our French partner, the science center Universcience, carefully prepared and conducted the co-creation workshop, which included lectures, discussions, and varied activities. We heard from three outstanding speakers who provided insight into the intertwining of two project topics: climate change and the engagement of various vulnerable social groups in these debates. 

Sociologist Clémence Perronnet introduced the concept of inclusion and emphasized that there are numerous factors that contribute to social group discrimination, such as race, gender, age, religion, class, and disability, that must be taken into account when planning educational activities.

Lorenzo De Vidovich, also a sociologist, addressed the question of social justice in energy use, focusing on the relationship between the social and environmental crises, as well as how energy transition initiatives may affect marginalized socioeconomic groups and geographical peripheries. 

Sandi Horvat, journalist, writer and representative of the Roma Academic Club from Slovenia, provided a very comprehensive overview of crucial factors to take into account when working with and for underprivileged communities.
We also learned about the Green Ethics project, which is being run by the University of Turin's Social and Community Theatre Center and the university itself. First, Alberto Pagliarino provided us with the theoretical framework of their work, and then we attempted some of the community theater's approaches ourselves, guided by Maurizio Bertolini.

Community Theatre Center's workshop with Maurizio Bertolini.

We also served as an audience for activities created and implemented in our respective organizations which benefited us in developing the international training program. Sarah Klemisch from the Ethnological Museum Berlin introduced us to the Speculative Design through imagining the future of our city and its resources. Balduin Landl and Constantin Holmer from the ScienceCenter-Network have tested the discussion game, as well as conducted a series of experiments to teach us about CO2. Fabrizio Stavola of the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" encouraged us to consider the complexities of the climate crisis by investigating the mechanisms of toy operation. Katarina Nahtigal and Tina Palaić from the Slovene Ethographic Museum presented the museum program of personal exhibitions created by various individuals and social groups, with a focus on collaboration with Roma communities in Slovenia.
Learning how the toy mechanisms work.

CO2 experiments.

The majority of the meeting was spent planning the international training program, which we devised based on our professional knowledge and experience, as well as the skills, needs, wishes, and interests of the national hub members. We defined the critical themes we want to explore in the training, determined the pedagogical objective of the selected training sequences, and suggested a teaching techniques to achieve the goal. 

Working on the selected training sequences.

The two-day international training will be aimed at scientists, NGO workers, and educators who will be conducting educational activities with and for the project's target groups. It will be done online on October 15th and 22nd.

Dear hub members, thank you once again for your dedication and efforts. We look forward to continuing this journey together and making a meaningful impact.

Ecsite Conference 2024

The Come Together project team met in the beautiful city of Ljubljana at the beginning of the summer. The Ecsite Conference, which is a global meeting of science engagement professionals, was held there between June 5 and 8, 2024. The conference was hosted by Kersnikova Institute at the GR - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The science engagement experts addressed many pressing topics: climate change, decolonisation, community work, equity and inclusion, digitalisation, envisioning futures and many more.

A Keynote Speech Body Alchemy by Ana Rajčević.

The conference program offered not only interesting topics, but also dynamic approaches to their consideration. In addition to excellent keynote speeches and vibrant community meet-ups, there were presentations and discussions, as well as more playful approaches, such as a climate misinformation gameshow, a storytelling on trial, a battle between experts on what makes a good exhibition brief, but also practical strategies for envisioning futures.

Engagement methods for promoting futures literacy.

On trial: Storytelling through scenography in science centers.

The Come Together project team hosted a workshop titled Fostering socially inclusive climate education for adults on Saturday, June 8. Our aim was to investigate ways to engage with communities with diverse interests and needs many of whom often don't feel concerned by climate change, and believe their voice is irrelevant in addressing these issues. Our goal was to learn and share varied experiences with adapting our programs to engage disadvantaged adults. With this, we looked at two interconnected Ecsite community challenges: the climate catastrophe and social inclusion.

The first climate hub meeting was held in Berlin

The first hub meeting organized by the Ethnologisches Museum (Ethnological Museum) of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (National Museums in Berlin) took place on 13th of June 2024. We invited scientists, museum educators, climate and environmental educators, representatives of (cultural) associations and NGOs as well as representatives of Berlin's district administrations for environmental education and integrative cultural and social work to exchange ideas on the topic of water from different perspectives.

This brought together experts who, on the one hand, deal with climate and environmental issues in a scientific and educational way and, on the other hand, with the realities of life of very different, including marginalised, groups in urban society through their work at district and neighbourhood level.

The first meeting was all about introducing the project and getting to know each other and our different perspectives. We also had an initial exchange about which wishes, needs and concerns should be incorporated and worked on during the project.

We also brainstormed about the potential to not only use the museum's local connections in the geographical centre of the city, but also to use the activities to link environmental issues directly on site in the neighbourhoods with the realities of life and concerns of the urban society.

At the Berlin Climate Atelier, we’d like to explore human-environment relationships with a focus on water from as many different angles as possible. We also want to incorporate cultural and personal approaches to develop engaging and informative training and education formats with relevance in terms of content for different groups in urban society, whose perspectives are too rarely reflected in discourses on environmental education.

We are very much looking forward to our next meeting in the first week of July!

The first climate hub meeting was held in Ljubljana

The Slovene Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana organised the first hub meeting that took place on 17 May 2024 in the Museum's lecture hall. 

We invited researchers, museum professionals, educators, and representatives of non-governmental organizations and marginalized social groups who address climate change in their work or collaborate closely with target communities to share their expertize and experience. Participants of our "Climate hub" (in Slovene: Podnebno vozlišče) will have a consultative and co-creative role in designing training for educators and educational activities for adults.

An extremely interesting group of people with various background responded, with whom we thought about possible topics, activities and approaches to adult education on climate change. How do you communicate climate change when there is so much information available but at the same time, people feel powerless to deal with environmental crises? How can vulnerable communities, who are generally the most affected by climate change, be included in these debates and really have a voice? 

We will continue the discussion on these topics in June, when, based on the reflections of the target vulnerable groups on their needs, wishes, and challenges to educational activity implementation, we will discuss what knowledge educators require and what approaches we would like to develop and test. 

This project gives us a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with the vulnerable groups on educational activities that they will be able to carry out themselves. We are very much looking forward to creating activities together!

Text and photos: Tina Palaić