Come together! is a two-year project (2023-2025) which stems from the need for socially inclusive informal education for adults about climate change.
We believe that in order to build a society capable of dealing with our environmental challenges, there must be a lateral flow of knowledge, concerns, and understanding about environmental and climatic issues across various communities and professions. That is why we aim to bring together people from various backgrounds, such as science educators, scientists, NGO workers, indigenous experts and disadvantaged individuals, to share their perspectives and approaches on this topic.
The Project sets out to provide trainings for adult education professionals (museums/science center educators, scientists, indigenous experts, and NGO workers) using the principles of active listening and dialogue. To strengthen the role of disadvantaged adults (ethnic minorities, migrants, people with disabilities etc.) in combating climate change, we work to develop and test innovative and creative educational activities about environmental issues.
The Project entails the creation of 5 national hubs, as innovative learning spaces, working at local and international level with stakeholders in social inclusion and climate change education.
Partnes then cooperate to develop and organize diverse activities, including:
- international and national trainings for educators, scientists, and NGO social workers;
- online and in-person co-creation workshops;
- educational activities to engage disadvantaged adults.
In addition, Partners seek to develop an artistic format, aimed at promoting social inclusion and involving participants also at an emotional rather than just rational level.
The Project aims to promote social inclusion, active participation and critical thinking, by bringing together all the relevant stakeholders in this field and involving them in climate change trainings and educational activities.
The three main objectives of the Project are:
1) Inclusion and diversity.
Listening and learning from each other with diverse communities, experts, educators and interested people from various backgrounds.
2) Co-creation and innovation.
Creating an experimental and participatory space in each Partner's country, to develop artistic and innovative practices for socially inclusive environmental education for adults.
3) Participation and empowerment.
Developing, testing and sharing educational and artistic activities for the benefit of everyone included.
The Project's expected impact will be, primarily:
- The introduction of innovated methods and practices;
- An increased awareness and understanding of the actors involved;
- A long-term benefit in the respective communities of all actors involved.