Do you care about global warming and the environment?

Do you care for social inclusion?   

Do you think education for adults is interesting and important? 

Welcome to
Come together! Fostering socially inclusive climate education for adults

Training education professionals and empowering disadvantaged individuals and communities: this is the path put forward by this project to address climate change challenges.

This Erasmus+ project aims to connect people using a “listening and learning” approach, in order to share expertise and develop innovative methods and practices in this field.

First hub meeting in Vienna took place!

The first hub meeting organized by the ScienceCenter-Netzwerk in Vienna, Austria, took place on 10th of April 2024 in the Wissens°raum, our very own ScienceCenter in the 5th district of Vienna:

For our first hub meeting, we tried to bring together people with various backgrounds and collaboratively work on our understanding of socially inclusive cliamte education for adults. The main focus of the first hub meeting was to get to know each other, explore relevant topics and develop a common understanding of how we want to work together. Therefore, everyone introduced themselves with an object from the Wissens°raum that they found interesting and that they felt some connection to. Because we did not only want to call our hub meetings "hub meetings" we decided to give this exciting process a name, some colour, and a logo):

The Klima-Wissens°werkstatt is a process, workplace and hub at the same time. Therefore, we hope to be able to serve as a platform for socially inclusive climate education for adults for various interested people and institutions that want to work together with us. For this purpose, we noted down our thoughts and ideas on a paper roll on the floor where important topics, a timeline with possible specific foci, and other relevant information were written down. To complement the analog format of the paper roll, after the hub meeting, we translated our ideas and findings into a digital version, a mural which is open to all participants and interested people. In the next weeks, we will have further meetings to deepen our knowledge, experiment with different formats and work on ways of doing socially inclusive climate education for adults.
Come together for socially inclusive climate education for adults.

We are very much looking forward to this exciting process!
We meet every week Wednesday 3:30-6:30pm in the Wissens°raum.

First hub meeting in Milan!


On Monday, April 15th, the first hub meeting took place in Milan, in the Sala Biancamano of the National Museum of Science and Technology!

45 people, from various backgrounds (education, research, inclusion, policy making, art) participated in the meeting and started to share their experiences and thoughs on the topics of climate change, adult education and inclusion.

The participants were involved in brainstorming, tinkering activities, and discussions about the goals to reach in inclusive science education, led by expert facilitators. 

The exchange was very enriching, both for Museum staff and for the participants. 

As Museum professionals we were impressed by the great interest toward the topics and the variety of actors. With a collaborative approach, we aim at putting together all the people interested in working for the same objective: a more inclusive climate change education for all.

We are very looking forward to the next meeting!

First hub meeting in Paris

The first hub meeting organized by Universcience is in full preparation! We can't wait for professionals from education, social work and research to cross-fertilise their questions and expertise.

The first discussion will take place in May, followed by a visit to the Urgence Climatique exhibition at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie.