Do you care about global warming and the environment?

Do you care for social inclusion?   

Do you think education for adults is interesting and important? 

Welcome to
Come together! Fostering socially inclusive climate education for adults

Training education professionals and empowering disadvantaged individuals and communities: this is the path put forward by this project to address climate change challenges.

This Erasmus+ project aims to connect people using a “listening and learning” approach, in order to share expertise and develop innovative methods and practices in this field.

Ecsite Conference 2024

The Come Together project team met in the beautiful city of Ljubljana at the beginning of the summer. The Ecsite Conference, which is a global meeting of science engagement professionals, was held there between June 5 and 8, 2024. The conference was hosted by Kersnikova Institute at the GR - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The science engagement experts addressed many pressing topics: climate change, decolonisation, community work, equity and inclusion, digitalisation, envisioning futures and many more.

A Keynote Speech Body Alchemy by Ana Rajčević.

The conference program offered not only interesting topics, but also dynamic approaches to their consideration. In addition to excellent keynote speeches and vibrant community meet-ups, there were presentations and discussions, as well as more playful approaches, such as a climate misinformation gameshow, a storytelling on trial, a battle between experts on what makes a good exhibition brief, but also practical strategies for envisioning futures.

Engagement methods for promoting futures literacy.

On trial: Storytelling through scenography in science centers.

The Come Together project team hosted a workshop titled Fostering socially inclusive climate education for adults on Saturday, June 8. Our aim was to investigate ways to engage with communities with diverse interests and needs many of whom often don't feel concerned by climate change, and believe their voice is irrelevant in addressing these issues. Our goal was to learn and share varied experiences with adapting our programs to engage disadvantaged adults. With this, we looked at two interconnected Ecsite community challenges: the climate catastrophe and social inclusion.